Ski Bus Trips - NYC

How do you organize your vacation and how do you decide on which place to visit? Sometimes it’s hard to choose only one place and you don’t have to. For example, Charleston-Beaufort-Savannah is a good route and you are visiting not just three cities, but also two states, and get to enjoy the South-East Atlantic coastline. You can order a trip along this route at Comfort Bus Ski tours. We will take you places you’ve never been to before in buses with comfy seats and aircon.


It is a popular route since the cities are close together and it allows you to explore the Low Country in one go. Charleston is a good place to start and ease into southern culture. It is arguably the largest economic center of the Low Country. Charleston has some beautiful architecture of art deco and Italianate styles. A popular place for getting a taste of southern cuisine is High Cotton, which also plays live jazz music. And Fort Sumter, located on a small island in the Charleston Harbor, is a valuable historical site since the first shots of the Civil War were fired here.

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